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Title Rights Description Date Version
GR551x Datasheet For Public 2024-06-19 Rev.2.8
GR551x Developer Guide For Public 2023-06-09 Rev.2.7
GProgrammer User Manual For Public 2023-11-28 Rev.3.1
GR551x API Reference For Public 2024-01-17 Rev.2.0.2
GR551x Power Mode and Power Consumption Measurement Application Note For Public 2023-06-09 Rev.2.1
GR5526 Datasheet For Public 2024-06-19 Rev.1.1
GR5515 Starter Kit User Guide For Public 2023-06-09 Rev.1.9
GR551x Hardware Design Guidelines For Public 2023-06-09 Rev.2.5
GR551x GCC User Manual For Public 2023-06-09 Rev.2.2
GR5xx DTM Test Application Note For Public 2023-11-28 Rev.3.3
GR551x IAR User Manual For Public 2023-06-09 Rev.1.4
GR5526 Developer Guide For Public 2023-03-08 Rev.1.0
GR5xx Power Consumption Profile Example Application For Public 2023-11-28 Rev.3.1
GR5526 Starter Kit User Guide For Public 2023-03-08 Rev.1.0
GR5526 Hardware Design Guidelines For Public 2023-03-08 Rev.1.1
GR551x Bluetooth Low Energy Examples Application Manual For Public 2022-04-15 Rev.1.9
GR5526 Power Mode and Power Consumption Measurement Application Note For Public 2023-03-08 Rev.1.0
GR551x HAL and LL Drivers User Manual For Public 2021-07-30 Rev.1.8
Getting Started with Bluetooth LE Device For Public 2023-12-26 Rev.2.4
GR551x DTM Test Application Note For Public 2022-04-15 Rev.2.0
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