Software Resources

Software ecosystem comprises development tools, debugging tools and SDKs. Goodix provides secure, useful download of SDK, APIs as well as development and debug tools. Our goal is to provide customers complete support regarding software development while helping them develop product applications fast to effectively shorten the time-to-market.

You can download the software resources at Software Resources of Goodix website and relevant documents at  Documentation.

Product Categories

Software & Tools

GR5525 SDK

Software development kit (SDK) for GR5525 series

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A mobile APP customized for Goodix Bluetooth Low Energy products

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GProgrammer for BLE

A firmware programming tool for Goodix Bluetooth LE SoCs

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GRPLT Lite Config Tool

A configuration tool for PLT Lite

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GRDirect Test Mode Tool

A serial port tool for DTM tests on PC

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GH3x2x EVK PC Tool

This tool can be used to evaluate the performance of GH3x2x chip and generate the configuration of driver library

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