Goodix presents GR5525 software development kit (SDK) to help GR5525 series users boost their efficiency in project evaluation and development. GR5525 SDK supports full functionality of Bluetooth LE Protocol Stack (Bluetooth 5.3), and provides a complete set of peripheral drivers, as well as various library files. It includes a rich set of reference files and examples on Bluetooth LE device roles, GATT profiles/services, peripheral APP drivers, libraries, OTA, DTM, power consumption, FreeRTOS, and LVGL.
GR5525 SDK supports automatic power consumption management and provides multiple low power modes, so that the GR5525 SoCs can run with ultra low power consumption. The SDK also ensures firmware security, by providing firmware encryption and download.
GR5525 SDK streamlines project evaluation and development, supporting popular IDEs: Keil, IAR and GCC. It includes essential tools, such as GProgrammer for PC-based download and programming, GRUart and GRDirect Test Mode Tool for PC-based serial port debugging, and GRToolbox for mobile debugging.
To evaluate a development project, users can work with GR5525 Starter Kit. GR5525 SDK provides relevant examples that can be directly run on the GR5525 Starter Kit Board.
Supports full functionality of Bluetooth LE Protocol Stack (Bluetooth 5.3)
Multiple peripherals including GPIO, Timer, PWM, WDT, I2C, UART, SPI, QSPI, DSPI, ADC, PDM, I2S, AES, HMAC, PKC, and TRNG
Reference examples for all Bluetooth LE device roles and GATT profiles/services
A rich set of libraries and peripheral examples
Examples for DTM testing, and power consumption evaluation and testing
OTA and fast DFU
FreeRTOS 10.0.0
LVGL 8.1.0
Firmware encryption and download
Low-power management
Debugging with J-Link RTT
Development on Windows or Linux; toolchains of Keil, IAR and GCC are supported
Bluetooth: Resolved connection drop issues caused by Bluetooth LE 2M PHY parameter updates; optimized memory exceptions in advertising scenarios; improved the MAC address de-duplication algorithm
Peripheral: Optimized driver defects of modules including USRT, I2C and QSPI
System: Optimized ultra deep sleep mode and NVDS
IDE: Addressed timeout exceptions in Keil download algorithm; optimized GCC firmware size; upgraded IAR (> 9.40.1+)
Added display examples for LVGL V8.31
Removed the tools folder (containing GRToolbox, GRUart, GProgrammer, and GRDirect Test Mode Tool) in SDK. Users can download the tools from Goodix official website “Software Resources”
Programming interfaces for full-functionality Bluetooth LE Protocol Stack (Bluetooth 5.3)
A complete set of on-chip peripheral drivers (including UART, TIMER, and QSPI), and automatic low-power management for peripherals
A rich set of Bluetooth LE applications and peripheral example projects
Various example projects based on LVGL graphics library
Supports Keil/IAR/GCC, and provides GR5525 API Reference based on Doxygen
Firmware and data encryption, as well as OTA
Provides such development tools as GRToolbox (Android), GRUart (Windows), GProgrammer (Windows/Linux), and GRDirect Test Mode Tool (Windows)
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